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Malicious Macros!

Do you use MS Word? Are you aware of a new crippling virus being sent through Word? 57% of Office 365 users received an infected Word document via email this month. The document prompts the opener to "enable macros" which allows the virus to infect the system. Once infected, the originator of the virus can access your data, sensitive information, and networks. These cyber criminals often times demand money in exchange for restoring your data.

This is called ransomware, and is a type of malware that can be covertly installed on a computer without knowledge or intention of the user that restricts access to the infected computer system in some way, and demands that the user pay a ransom to the malware operators to remove the restriction.

Learn how to protect yourself! ALWAYS:

1. Back up your data

2. Verify the sender of any suspicious emails

3. Think before you click!

Visit for more details on protecting yourself and your company from falling to a hacker. Putting the proper security measures in place and keeping employees educated on the risks are an essential part of conducting business in the age of technology we are in.

Surf safely!

The Acuity Team

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