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We Know Moving Sucks.  Let us Move It, Move It!

Moving your office location, adding workstations or changing your technology set up?  Acuity's got your back!


Relocating an office can be a daunting task and sometimes simple MACs (Moves, Adds or Changes) can be too.  Acuity can move your entire IT department or assist in wrapping the cords so nothing gets tangled. Like everything else we do, our services are completely customized to your needs and budget.  We professionally and carefully move and preserve your most precious hardware and data so you can get back to work quickly.  We will make sure that everything is connected and running for your employees the first day in their new location so you don't lose business while your systems are down!  


A move can be a great time to have Acuity audit your systems and contracts. It gives you a chance to re-negotiate those relationships to better suit your needs at your new location.  Don't settle because you think you are stuck in a contract!

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