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We all like a good sense of security, especially when it comes to our data.  But do you have a disaster recovery plan?  How can you trust that whatever system you have in place will work in the event of a breach or a loss?


Anyone who has lost data – either personally or professionally – knows the importance of data backup.  It's bad enough if you lose personal data like pictures and videos of your kid’s first steps. But imagine having to tell the company president that all their data is gone... yikes!


Too often, we take on clients after disaster strikes - either from a backup failure or because their current IT provider was transparent.  In a time of need, the last thing you want to see is a huge price tag to get your data back or be told you can't get it back at all.  Such a situation could stall operations or even put you at risk for lawsuits.


Acuity Consulting Services LLC provides data backup and recovery as a managed service, and you'll get exactly what you outline in your contract with us.  If there are extra charges for different situations, we'll outline those costs for you up front.  


Not only do we have multiple secure and reliable backup methods, but they include both cloud-and-server based methods.  Whether you are bound by HIPAA, attorney-client privilege or the FDIC, we'll make sure your data is not only recoverable in the event of a loss, but is compliant to governmental regulations.


Whether you need an online backup service, something more robust or a combination of both, Acuity will customize the most secure and reliable plan for your needs.



We are beyond pleased with Acuity and their amazing and friendly staff. We rely on our computer system to run our studio business services. When we began having issues during the busy holiday season, we consulted with another tech support company. Big mistake! After two attempts and 10 hours, our problems still weren't resolved. Acuity stepped in and fixed everything within a brief afternoon - the first time! I was literally dancing with happiness. Thank you Acuity for saving the day.  Our advice? Call Acuity first.

Tina Sweep

Bliss Flow Yoga and Wellness Center

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